Ana Paula
ANA PAULA is the heartbreaking story of a young Mexican woman determined to escape her past and adopt her niece from a government orphanage in Durango. When a judge explains her case cannot proceed without a suitable home, Ana employs desperate measures to find the necessary cash.
When Fernando sees her desperation and offers to help, a tender romance blossoms. But when Ana is forced back into a toxic life of vice, she and Fernando must face the ruthless criminals who seek to exploit her.
United States
Canadian Premiere
International Short film
- Director Leigh Marling
- Writer Leigh Marling
- Cinematographer Justin Henning
- Producer Holly Marling
- Editior Ross Birchall
- Music/Composer Pete Wiggs
- Ana Paula Itzel Castrellon
- Fernando Moises Qiunones
- Moises Arturo Michel
- Alfredo Jonas Quitanilla
- Elena Regina Vazquez