The death of a loved one is a real mourning, but also an opportunity to meet. When his father dies, Mathieu feels incomprehension and anger towards the one who decided to die and abandon him. Although he is overcome by negative thoughts, he does not want the last words addressed to his father to be filled with bitterness. He then meets a little boy: himself, at the age of eight, who still sees his father as an immortal hero. Through the eyes of the child he was, Mathieu rediscovers the undying l

World Premiere
Music Videos - Short Film
- Concept/Story Nicolas Comte, Joe Hoster, Mathieu Châtelain
- Screenplay
- Cinematography Nicolas Comte, Joe Hoster
- Producer
- Editing Nicolas Comte
- Sound Joe Hoster, Mathieu Châtelain
- Main character Marie-Camille Courvoisier
- The shadow girl Hannah Mabboux
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