ANA PAULA is the heartbreaking story of a young Mexican woman determined to escape her past and adopt her niece from a government orphanage in Durango. When a judge explains her case cannot proceed without a suitable home, Ana employs desperate measures to find the necessary cash.
When Fernando sees her desperation and offers to help, a tender romance blossoms. But when Ana is forced back into a toxic life of vice, she and Fernando must face the ruthless criminals who seek to exploit her.
Canadian Premiere
Impurrfection (貓年海岸)
Mr. Cat has aquaphobia, and he was too terrified to swim in the zodiac race to fulfill his dream of becoming the Guardian God of the Year. He has since lived regretfully by the sea, overlooking the race’s destination every day for countless years, until an accident brings him closer and closer to the water.…
Out of the Hands of the Wicked
After a harrowing journey home from hell, old Pa boasts of his triumph over evil, and how he came to lock the devil in his heart. Now, against the protests of his family, Pa must return from whence he came to save the ones he loves from the hands of the wicked.
"Out of the Hands of the Wicked" is a new southern gothic puppet musical, with an original score by The Holy Gasp.
Won’t Be Around
Won't Be Around is the official music video for the song written and performed by singer- songwriter Terry Blade. At its core, the song is about meaning the words we say, and acting on the words we use. It is not enough to just tell someone we won't be around for them if they treat us poorly. We have to be
completely and totally absent. The song and video draw from the rural early American roots music of first half 20th century–lifeblood America's musical cultural heritage.
A "Chinese" father reflects on the changing relationship of China and US during his trip to Beijing to retrieve his 3-year-old "American" daughter who has been stranded because of the recent “decoupling” of the two countries. Born in China and living in the American Midwest, filmmaker Yinan Wang attempts to unpack his own experience of how a transnational migrant family deals with the distress caused by identity, nationalism, and geopolitics.
The Stream XIII
In "The Stream XIII", the 13th in the series, I focused on how the landscape is transformed when the wind as a weather phenomenon streams through the fields and reed fields cultivated by humans.
I used the wind chime to perceive the invisible presence of wind as sound. And also we can perceive the invisible presence of wind as visualized wind ripples in the fields.